Displaying your Air Quality Science Project

The simple Air Quality Check Around the Neighborhood science project in the last blog post can be turned into an interesting science fair project with the right display. You only need to be very meticulous about the details that you observe and note them down.

The display board can be covered with the 12 square cards that you hung out in different locations. You can place them in groups of threes as per the location and below them add the magnified digital photo graphs that you took of each inner square.

In a table list the air particles that your individual squares caught in each location and add up the total number. You can also make a comparative listing of the total air particles in each location. Describe which site had the maximum pollutants and also consider if it was as expected.

Were the number of pollutants more or less the same in all locations or was there a drastic difference in one of them. Examine what this difference means in your conclusion. The conclusion can also be printed out and posted on the display board to illustrate the results of your science fair project. Identify the least and the most polluted locations in terms of air particles gathered in your neighborhood.


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