Can a shot help you quit smoking?

Smoking is injurious to your health! That’s a standard warning issued on all the cigarette packets and yet people smoke. Some claim that its just too difficult to kick the addiction. Well, this new science project may just provide them with hope that they too can get rid of the addiction.

Dr Ronald Crystal at the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York is leading a research which aims at cutting out the gratification that a smoker gets from smoking. The concept is that if there is no pleasure derived from the act people will be able to quit smoking much easier.

The team has developed what it calls a genetic vaccine in which the genes gobble up the nicotine before it can reach the brain to give that satisfaction associated with a drag. The shot makes the antibodies of the body fight the nicotine and thus prevents the trigger of pleasure from reaching the brain.

Most smokers who quit end up back with a smoke in less than six months. If the pleasure trigger can be removed, the researchers feel that they will not get the urge to get back to smoking.Interesting enough for a scientific research, but will it work in the real world? We will know soon enough.

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