Will Aliens understand our message?

For a number of years the denizens of Earth have hoped to contact creatures living on other worlds. Many science projects have been based on contacting alien life form, and yet if there truly are other life forms out there, will they be able to understand our message?

After all a simple sentence like  “Are you out there?” is not likely to be understood even by humans who do not speak the English language. The language barrier can quite often prevent human beings from communicating with each other.  So how do you expect an alien life form to make sense of the sounds that it hears.

In fact how can you be sure that the alien life form even has the the ability to hear? Can you be sure that the alien will also develop all the five senses that human beings use to perceive the world around us? They may have a couple of abilities more or less than us.

That is why even designing a simple message to beam out into space for possible contact with aliens can be quite a difficult task. It needs to be easy to pick up, and self explanatory. Does this sound like a science project that you would be interested in?

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