Testing Gravity

What goes up must come down. That we know is the power of gravity. Gravitational pull is the force that the planet exerts upon all the objects that are in its vicinity. This pull extends from the surface, where it is the strongest, to some distance in the atmosphere, where it becomes weaker as you go higher.

The force was first noticed by Newton who fell asleep under an apple tree and was rudely awoken when an apple fell on his head. That is when he began thinking about why things always fall downwards. This eventually led to his tabulating the laws of gravity.

There are many fascinating questions that you can come up with about gravity. These can lead to equally interesting science projects and experiments. There is of course the famous experiment about a feather and a brick being dropped from a great height to check which comes down faster.

In addition to this experiment you can come up with others of your own. Newton and Einstein may have done their bit but it is by no means the end of the topic. You can still come up with a great many different ways to test gravity and make it an interesting science project.

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