Generating Ideas for Science Projects

One of the toughest decisions to make regarding a science fair project is the actual selection of topic. What is it that the science project needs to be about? Some times you think you want to work on a particular project only to realize a few days down the line that it is boring you to bits.

So how do you generate ideas for interesting science fair projects? Get a clue from things you actually like to do. The project is going to be more fun if it involves activities that you already enjoy doing. So get down to making a list of all the activities that you enjoy doing in sports, games, hobbies and anything at all that comes to your mind.

You need to make sure that it is something that you enjoy reading up about as well as doing. This ensures that the actual research part of the science project is easy for you to handle. After all there is nothing quite as boring as having to read books, websites and articles about something that does not interest you.

You can add things to the list that you wonder about. Questions like how does this xyz thing work are very handy while defining the kind of science fair project that you will make.

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