Can Mars be a second home to us?

The angry red planet in the telescope may not seem very hospitable right now. However it is the only other planet in the solar system which human beings may be able to relocate to. In fact here’s what the science project to make Mars a habitable planet would entail. Believe me it will take some doing.

First the atmosphere in Mars would have to be heated. This would be done by injecting carbon dioxide and initiating the greenhouse effect. Yes it would be a good thing on Mars. Next as pressure increased some self supporting life forms would have to be introduced on to the planet.

In about a 100 years the lichen and bacteria would have produced photosynthesis. In 200 years there would be moss and in 300 years you may even see a coniferous forest on Mars. Plant life would perk up the oxygen in the atmosphere but the levels would be low. It would take another hundred thousand years before there would be enough oxygen to support human life on the planet.

Of course due to the lack of water  in adequate amount on Mars most of the planet would still look like a desert somewhat akin to Siberia or the Australian Outback. Still you can always harvest water from the rings of Saturn. Of Course that would be yet another science project of some magnitude.

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