Are we really alone in the Universe?

This is the question which man has sought to answer ever since he grew aware that he was on one of a great number of planets. All kinds of science projects and experiments have been carried out over the years to see if it was possible to contact some one else in the universe.

People have transmitted radio waves out into space in the hope of getting some response. There have been others who have spent lifetimes analyzing the noises that they can gather from the outer space hoping to see some pattern which would prove there was intelligent life making the sounds.

The most effective way seems to be to actually reach the other planets and see for ourselves if something intelligent lives there. This is why we have so much interest in space programs. The spirit of the explorer rings true in most human beings as their curiosity is as boundless as ever.

Maybe you will be the person to answer this question. You may be the person who finds intelligent lifeforms on another planet. Of course all it takes is persistence in the right direction. Space travel may not be everyone’s cup of tea but it does still have an important role in our collective future. Find ways to beat gravity here.

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