Nano Techology – Science of the really small

The general assumption that most people make is that the bigger it is the better. However this branch of science begs to differ. With innumerable different science projects they have strived to prove that small may be the new big. With nano technology we talk about the science of the really really small. And I mean tinier than you can imagine small.

Most of the science projects that involve nano technology have particles so small that you can not see them with the naked eye. You have to view them with a very powerful microscope.  So how can something that is so small be of any use to a human being that seems like a giant before it?

There are many uses of nano technology. One of them is developing new materials with special properties. For instance think about space age materials. Particles that are light as a spider’s web and thinner than a normal thread but have the strength of steel. Does it sound like some science fiction novelist talking about an impossible material? It is not. This is a real invention of nano technology.

Nano technology also has many uses in medical science. There is under development a nano particle which will be shot in through the nose as a person inhales and travel straight to the lungs. From there it will be absorbed from the lymph nodes into the blood stream and head straight for the diseases part in the body. There are many more science projects in the pipeline.

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