The Human Genome

The Genome Project took millions of dollars and almost a decade to uncover the secrets of the human genetic material known as the DNA. It was an exciting race between a private company and a set of public researchers. Each team trying to compete the gene sequencing before the other could.

This blueprint of a human being is now available at a far less cost of just about $5000. It is used to diagnose the presence of any genetic mutations which could cause diseases later in life. It is also used to see if specific strains of pathogens may be fought with specific drugs and medication.

While the world expected great things from the Genome Project, its full potential is yet to be exploited. Part of the reason for this is the sheer volume of data involved. There is so much to be studied and then made sense of. Not to mention put to practical use.

All this takes time and maybe you can look forward to an exciting career as a gene picker! Your science projects can reflect the bio diversity of the genetic world. You may even discover some hidden trait and cause a real difference to the treatment of a particular disease. Get cracking on that science project on the genome.

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