Study an Allergy as a Science Project

Have you ever sneezed when something flew into your nose? That is an uncontrolled reflex action of your body. Think you can make a science project out of it? Why not. Although you may need to go in for something more specific than a sneeze. People suffer from all kinds of allergies.

Some people are allergic to things in their immediate environment like dust or mite. Others may be allergic to a few types of food. Pets like cats and dogs are also known to cause allergies to some owners. There are even people who are allergic to harsh sunlight. So pick one which interests you.

Now that you have honed in on one allergy that fascinates you enough to make a detailed study, ask a few questions. What is the allergy called in medical terms? What causes the allergy? How does the allergic reaction manifest itself in a human being? What is the mode of treatment?

Think up of all the questions that you can. Now that you have a long list of queries, get down to answering them. Whatever answers you find can be used to make a report. Any statistics that are available can be used as a display board fixture. Find out if any person is a victim of the allergy around you.

Get a case study done with their allergic history. Find out how some conditions can aggravate the symptoms and others suppress them. Record how often they get allergic attacks and how they deal with them. Here’s some help you can get when trying to get the display board right.

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