Quick and Easy Science Projects

While some students like to go into meticulous detail while researching their science fair projects, the majority will be happy to do a quick and easy project. Fortunately there is no shortage of these science projects to go around. You can do a quick study about any gadget and have a science project ready.

For instance take the microwave oven. It is present in each home and so availability is not a problem. There is a considerable amount of theory behind its functioning which can make an interesting science project.The whole range of radioactive waves can be used in the project. A comparative study would be easy and quick to do.

Or if you prefer something more interactive you can use the microwave  oven to heat various fluids.  Here’s a project that you can do. Take the same amount of different fluids and then heat it for the same duration. Now measure the temperatures of the fluids. Do a comparative study of which fluids heated up faster. Now try and trace the reason why this happens.

The whole experiment will not take you more than a couple of hours. Add a couple more to do the project report and your whole science fair project is done with no hassles in under five hours. Here is an interesting and quick project on Paper Chromatography. Again it is a quick one to do. You may choose to do this one instead of the microwave oven one. Or you can choose to do an experiment all your own. Just have fun doing it and it will turn out grand.

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