The Doomsday Clock

The wall clock tells you what time of the day or night it is, allowing you to pick out the appropriate actions that you need to be performing at that given time. What about a Doomsday Clock? Created by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the clock is set to be an indicator of the world’s susceptibility to apocalypse. They calculate a number of reasons and assemble the likelihood of the world ending.

For the last two years running the Doomsday Clock has been just 2 minutes from midnight. Midnight being the end of the world as we know it today. The scientists call this a dangerous new normal. The Chicago based scientists have warned that they should see this not as a sign of stability, but as a stark warning to the leaders as well as the citizens of the world.

Events that have contributed to this are the simultaneous nuclear threat from North Korea as well as the effects of climate change that are sweeping through the planet. This is a science project that may not be conventional, but should serve as a warning about things to come. The last time the clock was two minutes from midnight was back in 1953 when the US-Soviet arms race was escalated as Moscow tested a hydrogen bomb.

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