Bread Bot to Bake Loaves

At the Consumer Electronics Show this month at Las Vegas one robot that is definitely making waves is the Bread Bot. It mixes, forms, proofs, bakes and cools bread all on its own, as per the creators. The bread is supposed to be freshly baked, without preservatives so healthy and eco friendly to boot. This automatic bread making machine can bake up to 235 loaves of bread in a single day!

The people responsible for the bread baker robot are the Wilkinson Baking Company, a family-owned business. Bread is a staple of American life. But in most supermarkets today, it has lost its emotional connection with the shopper said Randall Wilkinson, the CEO of the company. In the age of home delivery, The Bread Bot attracts consumers back to the store because it delivers fresh, delicious bread that is produced with theater and engagement, he added.

Visitors to the Consumer Electronics Show are being invited to taste the healthy and flavorful bread after viewing the fully transparent process of the actual baking. Needless to say it’s one of the more popular displays at the Consumer Electronics Show this year. Here’s to more delicious and edible science projects in the new innovations.

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