Science projects using heat

While it is best not to use heat in your experiments unsupervised as it is very dangerous, you can do a few simple science projects with an adult present. Infact it is important to respect the destructive properties of heat. It is not just the flaming fire that can be dangerous.

While a bonfire must command your respect, you must also be careful with other heating appliances around the home. I’m sure you have felt your fingertips scorch when you retrieve a hot toast from the toaster. Or scalded your tongue when you sipped some hot chocolate. Even when you can’t see the flames, heat can cause you pain. So do be careful when handling anything that heats up.

Here a special mention must be made to a gadget that has entered each home. A microwave. Yes it is a convenient appliance, but it is also one that must be used with great care. If you have heated food or fluids in the microwave you will know just how much heat it can generate in a short amount of time. You need to use mitts or oven gloves to get the containers out as well.

Naturally it will not be possible to lug a microwave oven to school for a science fair project, but you can do some experiments at home.  Here’s an experiment you can try out at home. Again remember that dealing with heat is dangerous. So make sure that you have an adult with you when you try this one out.

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