A Close Look at the Stars

The telescopes have been instrumental in a better understanding of the skies above us. The observations from outer space have added more details to our limited knowledge of all that is present in the universe. However, there are places on the planet where the studies of the night sky continue to reveal new secrets.

In order for the observatory to be successful, it needs to be away from the bright lights of a city which will interfere with the visibility of the stars. It helps if the location is elevated well above sea level so that the atmosphere is thinner and distorts the view of the night sky less. One such ideal place that hosts an ideal spot for astronomical studies is the Kitt Peak National Observatory in the Quinlan Mountains.

Located close to Tucson, Arizona, the observatory is nearly 7,000 feet above sea level in the Sonoran Desert. The Kitt Peak staff boast of the most diverse and largest number of telescopes on the planet. They have more than 20 optical and two radio telescopes, in addition to an instrument so powerful that it can be trained on a single star at once.

Night tours are organized for visitors to see through the telescopes and discover red dwarfs, star nurseries, and other celestial objects for themselves. A visit here could make the basis of an very interesting science project.


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