How Does a Gecko Help Underwater Robotics?

A gecko is a small animal that has fantastic climbing skills. It can go up and down tree and cliff sides with great ease. Part of the reason why this lizard is able to do these feats is due to the ability of their feet to maintain a grip on the surface that they are scrambling over.

Since science always hopes to imitate nature in order to get good prototypes, the scientists at the American Chemical Society feel that studying the grip of the gecko would yield to better adhesives.

They want to come up with adhesives that are double sided, and can stick on sleek surfaces such as glass as well as rougher surfaces. Some adhesives are effective irrespective of the changes in temperature, light or magnetic field. However most of these are functional only under dry climatic conditions.

Scientists are now considering developing hydrogels which can swell and shrink in response to different acidity levels and other conditions. These can also be used on the ends of robots designed for underwater work so that they can latch on and maintain a better grip on whatever they anchor themselves to. Needless to say plenty of science projects need to follow to make such robots a possibility.

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