Calories from Plate to Waist

Food is the primary source of fuel for the human body. We all need to consume a certain amount of calories in order to meet the energy requirements of our body. This calorie requirement is different based on the age, activity, gender and a bunch of other variables.

What that basically means is that a mother may not have the same calorie needs as her son. Or that a brother who plays basket ball regularly will need more calories than the one who is a computer programmer and is glued to his computer all the time.

Everyone agrees that if you eat excessive calories you put on weight. Just how long do you think it takes for the calories on your plate to show up on your physical body? An Oxford University study on the subject found that the fat in your food could end up on your waistline in as short as 4 hours.

Apparently carbohydrates and proteins take longer as they need to be converted to fat first. And In case you were wondering, it takes about 9 calories of proteins or carbohydrates to make one gram of fat. So now, thanks to this science project, you know how much you are going to end up gaining.

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