Brains in Space

Human beings have evolved on planet Earth over a long period of time. This means that all the organs that we have developed are best suited to working on the surface of the Earth. So what happens when we leave the Earth and end up in outer space? Astronauts who have spent considerable time in space tend to have a number of physical problems readjusting to the gravity once they return to Earth.

Once it was discovered that the lack of gravity can seriously affect the health of a human being researchers started paying more attention to just what went on in the human body when it was in outer space. One such study was concentrated on the effect of the lack of gravity on the human brain. This organ which is barely five kilograms is key to optimal human performance.

On the International Space Station a study of brain activity was made when asked to predict the falling of a ball and where we would move to catch it. It was interesting to know that the brain despite knowing about the lack of gravity, would naturally guide the person in a position where gravity would work to throw the ball. Also the lack of gravity begins to affect the electrical activity of the brain and one scientific study even found that it would begin producing patterns resembling epileptic seizures.

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