How Intelligent is Your Dog?

Ask any pet owner and they will swear that their pet can hear and understand everything that they say, not to mention that they respond even though hampered by lack of speech. There are some who will go so far as to say that their dogs can even anticipate what the owners are going to do even before the actual actions take place. So just how intelligent is your pet dog?

The researchers at the University of Sussex decided to find out. The study which was conducted last year shows good evidence that dogs can identify a number or human speech subtleties. The tone of the voice is definitely what they respond to more than the actual words if someone is merely speaking.

However if their owner is actually giving them commands, they listen for the exact words. They will respond to an exact command even if it id delivered in an unfamiliar accent. What’s more, the pet dogs were even able to distinguish between correct commands as opposed to ones with jumbled syllables.

For instance “Come on, then” got a response while “Thumb on, Ken” did not. So you know that the dogs could actually figure out some of the words themselves and not just go with the tone. All in all this science project proved what dog owners around the world already know, dogs are very intelligent beings!

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