Plan ahead for your science fair project

Have you been wondering what to do with all the spare time on your hands recently? After the summer holidays begin most students claim to get bored as there is nothing to do at home. I disagree. In fact I feel there’s a lot of productive things that you can do sitting at home. Yes even in the holidays when there is no real work possible.

You can plan ahead for next year’s science fair project. Get the correct idea that you want to prove or disprove. Work out what you need to write in the science project report. Check out how you want to decorate the display board. Even make a working prototype of the model that you wish to construct.  See there’s so much you can do right now.

All this work now will save you a lot of time later on. Then at the last minute you will not be running around in a panic like a headless chicken. All the background work would already be in place and all you will need to do is implement it. If this sounds like too much work in the heat then think about it this way. You will have to do it later on in any case.

Plus at that time you will also have other things to worry about such as classes, friends, sports, and home work. So does it not make sense to be a bit proactive and finish off part of the work now? If you are looking to just have some fun try out this expeiment here. I am sure you will enjoy it as it is not work.

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