The Sun Rules All the Planets

The sun is the center of our solar system and it literally controls all the planets that are in orbit around it. The fact was driven home by a small discovery at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center where researchers recorded a relatively small puff of solar material escaping the sun. Unfortunately it was not very good news for Venus who lost dramatic amounts of oxygen from its atmosphere four days after the flare up in the sun.

Our sun constantly emits light, energy and a constant flow of particles known as the solar wind that bathes the planets as it travels out into space. This interplay of energy between the sun and Earth is essential to ensure that it stays a living planet. We just don’t realize just how dependent we can be on the Sun.

The magnetosphere protect Earth from the harsher energies that the sun send out across the solar system. However Venus and some of the other planets do not have this layer of protection and solar flares or transgressions affect them far more drastically. It is the reaction of these planets that the scientists are studying.

They are also trying to figure out just how much the magnetosphere is essential for life on earth to be sustained. The results of this scientific study may be a few years in the coming.

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