Gift of Healthy Teeth From the Stars?

Different elements are formed at different temperatures and stages of a star. Of that much the scientific community was sure. However the origin of the element fluoride was somewhat controversial with three different theories in play.Now a study conducted by the Lund University in Sweden says that it was likely formed by heavier stars than our sun.

Toothpaste with fluoride is supposed to be great for your teeth, at least that’s what all the television advertisements seem to say.The fluorine that is used in such a common place item of daily use actually was formed in stars eons ago towards the end of their existence. So in a manner of speaking the dead ancestors of the sun gifted us with the fluoride that we use today as the sun and all the planets in the solar system are actually formed from the material that was left over from these ancient stars.

The study involved observing data on five stars which would have contained the element given the light emission patterns of the stars. Light of a certain wavelength indicates a certain element and the science project was able to confirm the origin of fluoride. No matter what the origin of the element, don’t forget to check if your toothpaste contains it to keep your teeth healthy.


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