Robotic Construction Crew

Having robots do the work of humans in inhospitable or hostile environments would indeed be a boon. That is why so much effort and energy is expended in developing perfectly functional robotic construction crews. So what activities does a robot like this need to be able to perform?

A study at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University has outlined a set of functions that these robots must definitely be able to perform. These include the actions like moving forward, backward, and turning in place. Being able to climb up or down a step the height of one brick. Also the ability to pick up a brick, carry it, and deposit it directly in front of itself.

It should also be able to detect other bricks and robots in its immediate vicinity. It should also have the knack of keeping track of its own location with respect to a “seed” brick. In addition to these autonomous actions that the robot must perform it is imperative that the robot also be able to follow certain instructions as well.

These instructions could include obeying predetermined traffic rules for the robotic crew.  Circle the growing structure to find the first, “seed” brick for orientation purposes. Being able to climb onto the structure to obtain a brick. Then attaching the brick at any vacant point that satisfies local geometric requirements and climbing off the structure. It does seem like a complex science project to design.

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