A Robotic Masterpiece

For as long as human beings have lived the arts and crafts have been a creative domain restricted to a few with talent. However this may not be the same for long as a new robot wields the paint brush to produce masterpieces of art. Watching it brandish the brush as it uses colors on a canvas to paint, one is forced to think about the future of the art industry.

German scientists, who developed it at the University of Konstanz, have called the artistic robot e-David. This is short for Drawing Apparatus for Vivid Image Display. Although you may be forgiven for assuming that it has something to do with being inspired by Michelangelo’s sculpture David.

It can choose from 24 different colors and use 5 different brush styles to create its paintings.After each stroke it applies to the canvas it takes a picture and its software calculates where it must lay the next stroke. It is a very tidy robot that even cleans its brushes after using them. Unlike other industrial robots that are used to paint walls and ceiling, the scientists wanted a robot who could paint a cultural masterpiece. This was an interesting challenge in the science project.

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