Innovative Scientific Solution to Deal with Arsenic Poisoning

Arsenic is a toxic element that can cause severe side effects of poisoning in human beings and animals. It is also a by product of mining and leaching of ores in countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh and China. This process of leaching allows arsenic to enter the groundwater and subsequently the food chain causing problems for the population of the region.

It is not all bad as it is used in production of certain drugs and also in the semi conductor production industry. However high levels of arsenic in the human body can lead to problems such as blindness, skin problems and in some cases even cancer. This is why it is important to reduce, if not entirely eliminate, arsenic from groundwater supplies.

Researchers in the US have come up with a simple and user friendly antidote to the problem. Plastic bottles are cut up into small pieces and coated with an amino acid called cysteine. These plastic pieces are then immersed in the ground water like wells and the arsenic gets attracted to them.

After a while the plastic pieces are removed from the well and the water is found to be safe for consumption. The science project proves that a big problem does not always have to have an expensive solution. Sometimes the simplest way may prove to be the best.




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